Professional Awards and Grants
2023 Shenandoah University Transformative Teaching and Learning Fellowship
This competitive grant provides support for an international study using virtual reality to determine if western-classical singers modify their vocal production in simulated performing spaces.
2022 International Exchanges Grant from the Royal Society in London
This competitive grant supports ongoing research in hybrid CT-MRI modeled vocal tracts, a multi-site collaboration with Dr. David Howard of Royal Holloway College of London, and faculty of the Biomedical Engineering and Medical Schools of the University of Iowa.
2022 Voice Foundation Research Grant
This competitive grant is funding the construction of a dummy head and torso with anatomically modeled auditory and phonatory structures derived from segmented CT and MRI scans. This physical model will be equipped with state-of-the-art electronic transducers to simulate in vivo singing and hearing in an experimental, in simulo environment.
2021 Journal of Voice: Best Clinical Medicine Paper
Matthew Naunheim, Jonathan Bock, Philip Doucette, Matthew Hoch, Ian Howell, Michael Johns, Aaron Johnson, Priya Krishna, David Meyer, Claudio Milstein, John Nix, Michael Pitman, Trineice Robinson-Martin, Adam Rubin, Robert Sataloff, Herbert Steven Sims, Ingo Titze, Thomas Carroll. “Safer singing during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: what we know and what we don’t.” Journal of Voice, 2021.
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2021 Shenandoah University President’s Award
For extraordinary leadership of the university faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2010 Van L. Lawrence Fellowship
Awarded jointly by The Voice Foundation and the Foundation Heritage Fund of the NATS Endowment in recognition of contributions to the art and science of the singing voice.
2008 David W. Brewer Award for Best Poster: Honorable Mention
“Are All Breathing Strategies Equal? An Acoustic Examination of ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Breathing Techniques for Singing.” Poster presentation at the 39th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.