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Invited Conference Presentations

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Rushdi Zahid Rusho, Matthew R. Hoffman, Christopher S. Apfelbach, Wahidul Alam, Hiroyuki Oya, Matthew A. Howard, David Meyer, Mathews Jacob, and Sajan Goud Lingala. “Characterizing laryngeal dynamics during voicing and breathing with real-time multi-slice variational manifold learning.” Invited voice science presentation at the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Symposium in Singapore. Conference Link

John Nix and David Meyer. “What is Voice Science, and Why Should We Care?” Invited presentation at the NATS National Conference in Knoxville, Tenessee.

Ruth Suárez, Irene Mezzacapo, Dario Strangis, María Borragán, Mohammad F. Obeid, Alfonso Borragán, and David Meyer. “Examining The Effects of Virtual Reality Room Size on Singers’ Vocal Behavior.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the Pan-European Voice Conference (PEVOC) in Santander, Spain.

Ruth Suárez, Irene Mezzacapo, Dario Strangis, María Borragán, Mohammad F. Obeid, Alfonso Borragán, and David Meyer. “Examining The Effects of Virtual Reality Room Size on Singers’ Vocal Behavior.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 53rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh, Leonardo Wanderley Lopes, Lady Catherine Cantor Cutiva, and David Meyer. “Voice and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Scope, Challenges, Limits and Ethical Principles.” Panel presentation to the 53rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

David Meyer, Ingo Titze, Brad Story, Eric Hoffman, Sarah Vigmostad, Sajan Goud Lingala, et al. “High-Resolution Hybrid CT+MRI Vocal Tract Modeling in Living Participants.” Voice science presentation to the 53rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

David Meyer, Ingo Titze, Brad Story, Eric Hoffman, Sarah Vigmostad, Sajan Goud Lingala, et al. “Implementing Teeth in Three-Dimensional Vocal Tract Models: Evaluating Methods Using CT, Intraoral Scanning, and ZTE MRI.” Voice science presentation to the 53rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Shanshan Zhang, Katrina Miller, Christian Herbst, and David Meyer. “Quantifying Talk-Time in Singing Instruction: Evaluation of an Automated Method.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 53rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Marita Stryker, Katherine Verdolini Abbott, John Goss, and David Meyer. “Recognizing the Invisible: Singing with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 53rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

David Meyer. “The Acoustics of Belt Singing.” Invited voice science presentation to the 2024 Central Conservatory of Music Voice Symposium, Beijing, China.

David Meyer. “Bridge Building: Interdisciplinary Voice.” Invited voice science presentation to the 2024 Central Conservatory of Music Voice Symposium, Beijing, China.


Rushdi Zahid Rusho, Brad H. Story, David Meyer, Mathews Jacob, and Sajan Goud Lingala. “Synthesizing speech through a tube talker model informed by dynamic MRI-derived vocal tract area functions”. Annual Proceedings of the ISMRM. 2023, p. 0771. International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction in Sedona, Arizona. Link.

Rushdi Zahid Rusho, Brad H. Story, David Meyer, Mathews Jacob, and Sa- jan Goud Lingala. “Towards High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Pseudo-3D Dynamic Imaging of Vocal Tract Shaping During Speech Production”. In: ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction in Sedona, AZ, USA, Jan. 2023. Link.

David Meyer. “Breathing Strategies for Singing: Diagnosing and Addressing Respiratory Hyperfunction.” Invited presentation, México Chapter of the Voice Foundation, Mexico City.

David Meyer. “Breathing strategies for singing: Diagnosing and addressing respiratory hyperfunction.” Keynote presentation to the International Voice Symposium in Salzburg, Austria.

David Meyer. “Seeing voice: The pedagogical and musical applications of hybrid CT-MRI vocal tract modeling.” Invited voice science presentation to the 2023 Central Conservatory of Music Voice Symposium in Beijing, China.

David Meyer. “Understanding the Effects of Long-COVID, Stress, and MPA on Singers.” Keynote presentation to the 2023 Central Conservatory of Music Voice Symposium in Beijing, China.

Liyan Han, Jingting Zhong, Wei Huang, Shuguang Li, Baoyi Bi, and David Meyer. “Application Study of the Voice Range Profile in Singing Voice Classification.” Voice science presentation to the 30th Congress of Union of the European Phoniatricians in Antalya, Turkey.

Rushdi Zahid Rusho, Brad Story, David Meyer, and Sajan Goud Lingala. “”Synthesizing speech through a tube talker model informed by dynamic MRI-derived vocal tract area functions.” Scientific presentation to the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Symposium, Toronto, Canada.

Subin Erattakulangara, Karthika Kelat, Rachel Balbi, Katie Burnham, David Meyer, and Sajan Goud Lingala. “Volumetric vocal tract segmentation using a deep transfer learning 3D U-NET model.” Scientific presentation to the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Symposium, Toronto, Canada.

Nicholas May, Ron Scherer, and David Meyer. “Aerodynamic Measures in a Synthetic Silicone Vocal Fold Model Coupled with a 3D-Printed Vocal Tract.” Voice science presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Christian Herbst, Brad Story, and David Meyer. “Acoustical Theory of Vowel Modification Strategies in Belting.” Voice science presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Mohammad Obeid, David Howard, and David Meyer. “Anatomically-Correct Simulation for Voice Science and Pedagogy: A Virtual Reality Experiment.” Voice science presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Adia Fox, Blake Mitchell, Katie Burnham, and David Meyer. “The Lombard Effect and the Result of Changing CCM Background Accompaniment Volume.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Shanshan Zhang, Katrina Miller, Christian Herbst, and David Meyer. “Quantifying talk-time in singing instruction: an automated method.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Diana Restrepo, Sophia Dove, Christian Herbst, and David Meyer. “An acoustic Analysis of leco llanero.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Shaofeng Zheng, Kevin Rose, Christian Herbst, and David Meyer. “Elite Singers Speech and Singing Voice Type – A Correlational Study.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Marita Stryker, Kristianna Dilworth, Katherine Verdolini Abbott, and David Meyer. “The Effect of Humming Tasks on Psychophysiological Markers of Anxiety Within the Applied Voice Lesson.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 52nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

David Meyer. “Understanding the Effects of Long-COVID, Stress, and MPA on Singers.” Invited presentation to the Puget Sound Chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS).


David Meyer, David Howard, and Mohammad Obeid. “Seeing voice: the pedagogical and musical applications of hybrid CT-MRI vocal tract modeling,” Invited talk for the Cambridge University Faculty of Music (UK) Centre for Music and Science Seminar Series.

Sophia Dove, Kate Elmendorf, Christine Petersen, David Meyer. “Singing Voice Symptomatology Following Presumed SARS-CoV-2 Infection.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 51st anniversary symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Katrina Miller, Juliana Rivelli, David Meyer. The Relationship Between Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Young Singers: A Survey. Voice pedagogy presentation to the 51st anniversary symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Katrina Miller, Juliana Rivelli, David Meyer. “The Relationship Between Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Young Singers: A Survey. Speech Language Pathology presentation to the 2022 ASHA Conference. Washington DC, USA.

Mohammad Obeid, David Howard, Dan Wilson, David Meyer. Vocal Tracts in Virtual Reality – A Preliminary Report.Voice pedagogy presentation to the 51st anniversary symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

David Meyer, Sajan Goud Lingala, David Howard, Eric Hoffman, Ingo Titze.“Pilot Study – High Resolution Hybrid CT+MRI Vocal Tract Imaging.” Basic voice science presentation to PAS7+. Vienna, Austria.

David Meyer, Sajan LingalaSubin Erattakulangara, Wahidul Alam, Rushdi Rusho, Jarron Atha, Gary Christensen, David Howard, Eric Hoffman, Ingo Titze. Physical Modelling of High-Resolution Hybrid CT+MRI Vocal Tract Images.Basic voice science presentation to the 51st anniversary symposium Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, USA.

David Meyer, Sajan Lingala, Jarron Atha, Gary Christensen, David Howard, Eric Hoffman. “Minimal CT Dosages Necessary for Blended CT+MRI Vocal Tract Imaging.Basic voice science presentation to the 51st anniversary symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Emily Castleton, David Meyer. “Formant/Harmonic Coupling Patterns in Contemporary Belt as Observed in “And I Am Telling You” from Dreamgirls as sung by Amber Riley.” Voice pedagogy presentation to the 51st anniversary symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

Carolyn Sebron, David Meyer. “A Lifelong Joy: Persistence and Retention Of Older African American Singers.” Voice pedagogy poster presentation to the 51st anniversary symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.


2021 David Meyer. “Cost-effective Aerodynamic and Acoustic Measures for Singing Voice Education” Invited pedagogical workshop at the 50th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2021 Lynn Helding, John Nix, Thomas Carroll, Allen Henderson, Wendy LeBorgne, and David Meyer. “Reentry After COVID-19: Concerns for Singers.” NATS webinar. Link to Video

2021  David Meyer. “Reentry Post-COVID-19.” Guest lecture to theCEV—Consultoria, Treinamento E Ensino Em Comunicação Humana, São Paulo, Brazil.

2020  David Meyer. “Functional Training of the Singing voice.” Keynote presentation to the 6th National Voice Medicine Forum, Shenzhen China. VIEW or with Chinese subtitles: VIEW

2020  David Meyer. “COVID-19 and Singing.” Guest lecture to the Kabarak University School of Music and Performing Arts, Nakuru, Kenya.

2020  Lynn Helding, John Nix, Thomas Carroll, Allen Henderson, Wendy LeBorgne, Michael Johns, and David Meyer. “After COVID-19: Concerns for Singers.” NATS webinar. VIEW

2020 David Meyer. “COVID-19 and Singing.” Article on NPR’s The Academic Minute LINK TO ARTICLE

2020 “Seeing Vowels – Formant Resonances in 3D Modeled Vocal Tracts” – invited voice science presentation at the 49th Annual “Care of the Professional Voice” Symposium in Philadelphia. Cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


2019 David Meyer and Sajan Lingala. “Seeing Voice: Visualization of Vocal Tract Shaping with MRI.” Invited voice science presentation at the 48th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia. VIEW

2019 Sajan Lingala and David Meyer. “Fast Dynamic Speech MRI at 3 Tesla Using Variable Density Spirals and Constrained Reconstruction.” Invited presentation at the 27th Annual International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Symposium in Montreal, Canada.

2019 David Meyer and Laura Crocco. “What the Singing Voice Community Needs to Know About Motor Learning.” Invited presentation, Northeast Chapter of the Voice Foundation: Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

2018 David Meyer. “The Art and Science of the Singing Voice.” Keynote presentation at the 4th Chinese National Art Voice Conference, GuangZhou, China.

2018 Marisa Lee Naismith, David Meyer, and Irene Bartlett. “Perfect Harmony: The Future of Crossover Singing Voice Education in University Music Programs.” Panel presentation at the 47th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2018 Richard Lewellen, David Meyer, and Eva Van Leer. “Effects of a Therapeutic Singing Protocol on Voice Characteristics of Adults with Parkinson’s Disease.” Invited presentation at the Sing to Beat Parkinson’s Symposium at the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.


2016 David Meyer. “Singing Voice Pedagogy Tutorial.” Invited presentation at the 45th Annual Care of the Professional Voice Symposium in Philadelphia. VIEW

2015 Matt Edwards and David Meyer. “Collegiate Voice Pedagogy Analysis of Current Practices.” Invited presentation to the Inaugural Symposium of the Pan American Vocology Association in Greensboro.

2014  Kathleen Bell and David Meyer. “The Effect of Drinking High pH Water on Self-Reported Results from the Reflux Symptom Index and a Singer Specific Questionnaire.” Invited presentation at the 44th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2013  Matt Edwards and David Meyer. “CCM Voice Pedagogy and the Singing Voice Specialty.” Invited presentation at the NATS National Conference in Boston.

2013  Matt Edwards and David Meyer. “The Future of Collegiate Voice Pedagogy: A SWOT Analysis of Current Practice and Implications for the Next Generation of Singers and Teachers of Singing.” Invited presentation to the International Congress of Voice Teachers (ICVT), Queensland Conservatorium, Brisbane, Australia.

2013  Barbara DeMaio and David Meyer. “The Effect of Menopause on the Elite Singing Voice—Singing Through the Storm.” Invited presentation at the 43rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2013 David Meyer. “The Effect of Vocal Warm-Up Exercises (VWUE) on Sung Vibrato as Seen in Instantaneous Frequency (IF) Vibrato Trace Modeling.” Invited presentation at the 43rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia. 

2013  Matt Edwards and David Meyer. “‘Caro mio ben’ Won’t Fly on Broadway: Crossover Pedagogical Strategies for Music Theatre and Classical Voice.” Pedagogical workshop at the 43rd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2013  Matt Edwards and David Meyer. “CCM Voice Pedagogy and the Singing Voice Specialty.” Invited presentation at the National Center for Voice and Speech Proposed Specialty Training in Vocal Health Symposium in Salt Lake City.

2012  David Meyer. “The Effect of Vibrato in Maximizing Vocal Production as Seen in the Messa Di Voce.” Invited presentation at the 42nd annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.


2011 David Meyer. “Vocal Warm-Up Exercises and the Quantification of Vocal Flexibility in the Singing Voice: A Pilot Study.” Pedagogical presentation at the 41st annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia. This research was supported in part by the 17th annual Van L. Lawrence Fellowship.

2010  David Meyer and Lina Zeine. “Are All Breathing Strategies Equal? An Aerodynamic Examination of ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Breathing Techniques for Singing.” Pedagogical presentation at the 40th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2009 David Meyer. “The Effect of Vocal Warm Up Exercises on the Messa di Voce: A Pilot Study.” Pedagogical presentation at the 39th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2009 David Meyer. “Current Perceptions on the Effect of Vocal Warm-Up Exercises: A National Survey of Classical Singing Pedagogues and Students.” Pedagogical presentation at the 39th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.

2009 David Meyer. “Are All Breathing Strategies Equal? An Acoustic Examination of ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Breathing Techniques for Singing.” Poster presentation at the 39th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia. This poster received an honorable mention in the David W. Brewer Award for Best Poster.

2009  David Meyer. “Hippocratic Voice Pedagogy.” Poster presentation to the 4th International Conference on the Physiology and Acoustics of Singing in San Antonio, Texas.

2008  David Meyer. “Just Take This Home and Learn It: A Musical Mnemonic Method.” Pedagogical workshop at the 38th annual symposium Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia.